Agrokreatif: Jurnal Ilmiah Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat <p align="justify"><img src="/public/site/images/j-agrokreatif/cover_NOV_2018_0301198.jpg" alt="" width="178" height="211" align="left"></p> <p><strong>Agrokreatif: Jurnal Ilmiah Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat sudah terakreditasi KEMENRISTEK DIKTI Nomor 79/E/KPT/2023, 11 Mei 2023.</strong> Pertama terbit sampai Tahun 2018 Agrokreatif terbit 2 kali setahun, yaitu pada bulan Mei dan November. Mulai tahun 2019 terbit tiga kali setahun pada bulan Maret, Juli, dan November oleh Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat (LPPM), Institut Pertanian Bogor (IPB). Artikel yang dimuat meliputi hasil-hasil pengabdian kepada masyarakat yang berhubungan dengan biosains, kelautan dan pertanian tropika dalam arti luas; mencakup biologi, klimatologi, agronomi, ilmu tanah, arsitektur lanskap, proteksi tanaman, kedokteran hewan, gizi dan kesehatan masyarakat, keluarga dan konsumen, teknologi industri, teknologi pangan, keteknikan pertanian, peternakan, perikanan, kehutanan, konservasi, lingkungan, sosial-ekonomi, dan kewirausahaan.</p> en-US <p><a href="" rel="license"><img src="" alt="Creative Commons License"></a></p> <p>This work is licensed under a&nbsp;<a href="" rel="license">Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License</a>.</p> (Prof. Dr. Ir. Pudji Muljono, M.Si) (Ika Oktafia) Tue, 26 Mar 2024 10:33:33 +0700 OJS 60 Pelatihan Pengelolaan Lahan Berkelanjutan Berbasis Pengalaman dan Penggunaan Aplikasi Sipindo <p>Horticultural plant products are daily-consumed need. These plants have developed with various cultivation techniques, i.e the selection of fertilization type. In additional to anorganic synthetic fertilizer,&nbsp; farmers also use the organic fertilizers in their farm. In the digital 4.0 era, information about agricultural cultivation are available in various media, such as via cell phones. Sipindo Apps is one of the specific location-based for agricultural application. The cultivation information of certain crops in Sipindo application can be used to implement sustainable land management. The aim of this activity is to disseminate the information about sustainable land management and the use of the Sipindo application to the community, students, farmers, and practitioners. This activity was delivered through structured training and field practices. The results obtained from this activity are increase participants’ ability related to making organic fertilizers and understanding sustainable land management, and participants are able to understand about the Sipindo and the use of fertilizer information contained in the application. In detail, 69% participants were able to well-understand the training material. Based on the benefit aspect, 70% of participants stated that the training was very useful.</p> Sri Malahayati Yusuf, Desi Nadalia, Baba Barus, Budi Nugroho, Arief Hartono, Suria Darma Tarigan, Darda Effendi, Hari Agung, Reza Hanjaya Copyright (c) 2024 Sri Malahayati Yusuf, Desi Nadalia, Baba Barus, Budi Nugroho, Arief Hartono, Suria Darma Tarigan, Darda Effendi, Hari Agung, Reza Hanjaya Fri, 22 Mar 2024 14:57:52 +0700 Teknologi Produksi Benih Kentang untuk Mewujudkan Kemandirian Benih di BUMDes Desa Batur <p>The area at the foot of Mount Merbabu, more precisely in Batur Village, has an altitude of 1,200‒1,800 meters above sea level, so it is very suitable for cultivating potato plants. Several farmers have cultivated this, but the production results are not always optimal. The potato crop productivity problems faced by farmers in BUMDes are: 1) Limited quality seeds; 2) The price of seeds is high and difficult for farmers to reach; 3) Farmers use seeds from some crops that are not of good quality so the yield is low and susceptible to disease; and 4) Farmers are unfamiliar with the technology for producing superior potato seeds. The University of Muhammadiyah Malang has superior virus-free seed sources and technology that can be adopted and disseminated to farmers to produce quality seeds independently so that they can overcome the problems they face. Activities are carried out in a participatory manner using tutorial methods, training and demonstration plots at locations, and group mentoring. Partners agree to actively provide human resources, necessary facilities, and accompanying funds in implementing activities. At this time, farmers have understood planet acclimatization technology. They can produce 5,000 mini cuttings from 500 acclimatized broodstock, 10,000 G0 seeds, and 25 tonnes/ha of G2 seeds using rooted shoot-cutting technology. Additionally, partner farmers have obtained permits as seed producers from BPSB (Seed Supervision and Certification Center). This program is ongoing, and UMM will assist on an ongoing basis until the establishment of an independent BUMDes for potato seeds in Semarang Regency.</p> Dr. Syarif Husen, Agus Eko Purnomo, Aniek Iriany, Muhidin Muhidin, Aulia Zakia, Iqbal Ramadhani Fuadiputra, M. Zul Mazwan, Farusa Anggita, Rizka Nurfitriani Copyright (c) 2024 Dr. Syarif Husen Fri, 22 Mar 2024 15:00:51 +0700 Budidaya Tanaman Hortikultura dan Lumbung Pangan dalam Upaya Pemanfaatan Lahan Pekarangan di Kelurahan Klitren Yogyakarta <p>One of the characteristics of urban areas is the increasingly limited land that can be used for plant cultivation. Only now, a lot of yard land has yet to be utilized optimally, especially for cultivating vegetables. Klitren Village, in the center of Yogyakarta City, has community-owned yard land that can be used even though the area is limited. This service activity aims to maximize the use of yard land for cultivating vegetable plants, herbal gardens, and food storage. This service activity was carried out in Klitren Village at the Asoka Farming Women's Group (FWG) in July 2022. The service activity was attended by 81 people who were a combination of women members of Asoka's FWG, the Village Head of Klitren Village, Village Agricultural Extension Officers, Lecturers, Students, Research and Community Service Units, and the Klitren Village community from various. The service is carried out through several activities, including making planting media for cultivating vegetable plants, arranging herbal gardens, and providing food barns. 100% of the evaluation results stated that the activity participants knew how to make planting media and food storage. In comparison, 66.7% said they knew how to organize and maintain an herbal garden. 66.7% of the participant's responses to the activities indicated that they were helpful and hoped they could be sustainable and improved.</p> Galuh Banowati, Rina Ekawati, Lestari Hetalesi Saputri, Hartini Hartini, Ratna Sri Harjanti, Retno Muningsih Copyright (c) 2024 Rina Ekawati Fri, 22 Mar 2024 00:00:00 +0700 Edukasi Budidaya dan Pemanfaatan Azolla Melalui Komunitas dengan Pendekatan Partisipatif <p>Azolla is beneficial for sustainable farming as a feed source, biofertilizer, and phytoremediator.&nbsp; This plant is potentially produced in Temuguruh Village, Banyuwangi Regency, East Java, which has a youth organization whose members have an average of 20 hours of free time per week.&nbsp; This community service program aims to educate the youths in Temuguruh Village regarding the utilization and cultivation of Azolla, which may help them to be more productive. This program applied the participatory approach and participatory communication, encouraging the youths (as the partners of this program) to be more proactive in participating in this program by using a community as a media outlet, namely; This program develops the skills of the members in the cultivation, utilization, and marketing of Azolla.&nbsp; Furthermore, the participatory approach and communication encourage members to actively participate in learning within the community.&nbsp; may follow up this program by partnering with other local communities, such as the fish farming community (Kelompok Pembudidaya Ikan).</p> Salman Al Muhamadi, Mohammad Haekal Zen Arifin , William Andanu Purwanto , Shabrina Putri Fauziah , Akbar Dicky Muzadi , Etriya Etriya Copyright (c) 2024 Salman Al Muhamadi, Mohammad Haekal Zen Arifin , William Andanu Purwanto , Shabrina Putri Fauziah , Akbar Dicky Muzadi , Etriya Etriya Fri, 22 Mar 2024 15:11:35 +0700 Pelatihan Kelompok Petani Perempuan Desa Kaduara Timur melalui Diversifikasi Olahan Singkong <p>East Kaduara Village is one of the villages in Pragaan Madura District with the majority of residents working as farmers. The potential commodity in the village is the cassava plant. Farmers generally sell the cassava directly without having to go through a processing process first. Post-harvest processing technology and diversification of processed products made from cassava that have not been implemented have caused the cassava harvest to pile up and have a low selling value, so it needs to be socialized and developed together. This program aims to provide knowledge and skills in processing cassava as a business product for farmwomens in East Kaduara Village. It is also hoped that the processed products resulting from the service can become a mainstay product and characteristic of East Kaduara Village. Service activities consist of providing materials and training followed by distributing questionnaires to measure the level of achievement of the socialization and training carried out. The results showed an increase in participants' skills, insight and productivity regarding the processed and packaged of cassava chips. The results of the observations showed an increase in the participants' skills and insight regarding the processed and packaged of cassava chips. The results of the participants' assessment on the training showed an increase in skills and insight with an average percentage of 75%. Participants showed activity and creativity that fell into the excellent category and enthusiasm which demonstrat in the activeness of the participants asking questions and expressed their ideas in designing packaging label designs and managed cassava chips. Processed chip products also received a positive response from more than 70% of consumer respondents who indicated the product had a selling value.</p> Marchel Putra Garfansa, Iswahyudi Copyright (c) 2024 Marchel Putra Garfansa, Iswahyudi Fri, 22 Mar 2024 15:13:54 +0700 Strategi Pengembangan Padi Organik di Kabupaten Tasikmalaya <p>The development of organic rice has long been echoed in Indonesia as a sustainable agriculture system to produce healthy food and be environmentally friendly. The lower productivity of organic rice compared to conventional rice, less competitive marketing of organic rice, and limited availability of organic fertilizers in the field are the main reasons for the low adoption and development of organic rice by farmers, such as in the upland organic rice development area in Cipatujah, Tasikmalaya Regency. Socialization of organic rice cultivation techniques through organic fertilizer field schools and organic rice technical culture demonstration plots are efforts to increase farmers' adoption of organic rice. The field school is focused on making good quality organic fertilizer formulations in solid and liquid forms. In contrast, the organic rice cultivation demonstration plot aims to determine the dose of organic fertilizer to support optimal growth and productivity of organic rice plants. The solid organic fertilizer formulation produces good quality organic fertilizer with a pH of 8,54-8,71, C-organic content of 27,87-28,63%, C/N ratio of 18,96 – 21,60, and macronutrient contents (N+P2O5+K2O) of 4,67 – 5,13%. Liquid organic fertilizer (LOF) formulations have not produced excellent quality LOF, primarily related to the low pH (pH &lt;4) and low macronutrient contents (N+P2O5+K2O) of 0,49-2,16%.&nbsp; The growth of organic rice plants with a dose of 3 tons/ha (organic rice I) and 6 tons/ha (organic rice II) is slower than conventional rice (chemical fertilizer). At the same time, plant growth of organic rice III (dose 9 tons/ha) was better than conventional rice in terms of number of tillers and plant height.</p> Desi Nadalia, Yayat Hidayat, Wahyu Purwakusuma Copyright (c) 2024 Desi Nadalia, Yayat Hidayat, Wahyu Purwakusuma Fri, 22 Mar 2024 15:21:06 +0700 Pengembangan Pakan Ternak Bergizi Tinggi dengan Bahan Baku Azolla microphylla di Desa Baletbaru, Kabupaten Jember <p>Azolla (Azolla microphylla) is a highly nutritious fern that can be used as organic fertilizer and animal feed. As the primary raw material for animal feed, Azolla processing needs to be developed to be durable, have complete nutrition, and have high economic value. The people of Balletbaru Village, who are partners in implementing the assisted village service program, are familiar with Azolla cultivation. However, innovation in processing Azolla crops is needed. This activity aims to form a business group to produce high-nutritional animal feed with Azolla as the main ingredient in Balletbaru village. The series of activities carried out included socialization about the potential use of Azolla as animal feed, training on production and processing techniques of Azolla as animal feed, training on how to prepare highly nutritious animal feed made from Azolla as raw material for ruminants, training in the manufacture of processed feed, training on marketing, monitoring, and evaluation. The results of this community service activity include technology transfer regarding the production of Azolla as an alternative high-nutrition feed where 100% of the community participating in the service program activities can understand and practice making animal feed made from the primary raw material of Azolla. Other outputs are instructions on cultivating and using Azolla as animal feed and products ready to be marketed under the trademark Pazoruso. It is hoped that this product will become an economical source to increase the income and welfare of the service partner community and its surroundings.</p> Nilasari Dewi, Desy Cahya Widianingrum, Ummi Sholikhah, Ahmad Ilham Tanzil Copyright (c) 2024 Nilasari Dewi Fri, 22 Mar 2024 15:24:08 +0700 Pengembangan Kapasitas Agribisnis Sapi Potong melalui Bimbingan Teknis Kelembagaan dalam Upaya Inisiasi Terciptanya Sekolah Peternakan Rakyat di Kabupaten Blora <p>The development of beef cattle is one of the pillars of the people's economy in the Blora Regency. This activity aims to transfer knowledge and technology to develop the capacity of beef cattle farming agribusinesses to manage livestock reproduction and health, feed, breeding, fattening, management, and social, economic, and network development. This activity was carried out through observation, technical guidance (Bimtek), and mentoring. The Bimtek was divided into six themes, and the assistance was carried out for two months. Sixty breeders carried out the activity from two villages, namely Pengkolrejo Village and Palon Village. From the evaluation results, the Bimtek participants absorbed more than 50 percent of the material. It indicated that all participants experienced increased knowledge and skills of livestock management regarding partnerships and collective business, management, social, economic, and network development, animal reproduction and health, forage and concentrate feed banks, breeding and fattening techniques, and waste management.</p> Anna Fariyanti, Muladno Muladno, Dwi Rachmina, Suharno Suharno, Burhanuddin Burhanuddin, Andriyono Kilat Adhi, Dedi Rahmat Setiadi, Anggraini Sukmawati, Afton Atabani, Triana Gita Dewi, Herawati Herawati, Al-May Abbyan Izzy Burhani Copyright (c) 2024 Triana Gita Dewi Fri, 22 Mar 2024 00:00:00 +0700 Peningkatan Pengetahuan dan Keterampilan Warga Desa Babakan melalui Pelatihan Pembuatan Cookies Spirulina <p>Cookies are dry cakes made with flour as the primary baking ingredient. Spirulina platensis was rich in protein, amino acids, glycoproteins, essential fatty acids, polysaccharides, and beta-carotene. Therefore, using sago flour combined with spirulina and seaweed in cookies can increase the nutritional value and produce gluten-free cakes. This training aims to increase knowledge about spirulina, packaging, and product marketing strategies and the skills of Babakan village residents by providing training on making spirulina cookies. This community service activity was conducted by counseling and training on making spirulina cookies in Babakan Village, Dramaga. Counseling activities were carried out to increase knowledge about the potential of spirulina, good packaging, and product marketing strategies, as well as training on making spirulina cookies to improve the skills of Babakan village residents. There were 18 training participants: Family Welfare Empowerment administrators and members. Pre-tests and post-tests were carried out before and after the training activities regarding the topic provided by the speakers. The achievements of the training activities were seen from an increase in post-test results, which was 60% answered correctly compared to only 40% for the pre-test. The evaluation results of the participant's acceptance of training topics and training speakers had an average of 58 to 69%, respectively, perfect. While the participants's assessment of the training facilities and consumption had an average of 50%, they were good.</p> Iriani Setyaningsih, Kustiariyah Tarman, Safrina Dyah Hardiningtyas, Rizfi Faris Pari, Desniar, Uju Uju, Wahyu Ramadhan, Tati Nurhayati Copyright (c) 2024 Desniar Mon, 25 Mar 2024 11:48:08 +0700 Pelatihan Pembuatan Pakan Ikan Gabus (Channa striata), serta Manajemen Usaha dan Pemasaran Produk Budidaya pada Pokdakan Maju Bersama Mesuji, Kabupaten Mesuji, Lampung <p>The purpose of this community service activity is to improve the knowledge and skills of snakehead fish farmers in Sungai Badak Village, Mesuji District, Mesuji Regency, concerning the production of fish feed based on non-fishmeal ingredients, as well as business management and business planning in fish farming. The implementation method of the activity consists of several stages: preparation and coordination, implementation, monitoring, evaluation, and follow-up assistance. A focus group discussion (FGD) activity is conducted in the preparation and coordination stage. The implementation involves delivering materials and hands-on practice in independently producing snakehead fish feed using distillers, dried grains with solubles (DDGS) and taurine, and business management and marketing strategies for cultivation results. The monitoring stage involves technical guidance on using the feed produced in their business. Finally, the evaluation stage is conducted by filling out a questionnaire related to the technology transfer provided in the community service activity and following up with assistance in processing fisheries' products and water quality management to maintain continuous and high-quality production. The evaluation results indicate an improvement in the knowledge and skills of Pokdakan members regarding the materials provided during the community service activity, with an average increase of 30%. It is noted that Pokdakan members can independently produce fish feed and plan for further fish farming business. The hope is that Pokdakan members can continue the sustainability of the counseling and training results to produce snakehead fish with self-made feed. This activity aims to stimulate Pokdakan members to improve family economics. Additionally, in the future, it aims to establish Mesuji as a center for fish farming and establish a snakehead fish village in Sungai Badak Village, supporting food availability in Mesuji Regency.</p> Munti Sarida, Hilma Putri Fidyandini, Dorothy Rouly Haratua Pandjaitan, Ari Yuliansyah Copyright (c) 2024 Munti - Sarida, Hilma Putri Fidyandini, Dorothy Rouly Haratua Pandjaitan, Ari Yuliansyah Mon, 25 Mar 2024 11:49:03 +0700 Diversifikasi dan Pengembangan Produk Hasil Samping Industri Rajungan: Pemberdayaan Masyarakat Mini Plant di Kabupaten Pemalang Jawa Tengah <p>The crab canning industry in Pemalang Regency has been built for over three decades and has become the largest in Indonesia, with 13 mini-plant units. Boiling and stripping are the main activities that produce a large amount of waste, causing pollution. The crab waste currently utilized by the local community as animal feed. Therefore, disseminating knowledge and skills regarding diversification and product development is necessary. The training aimed to deliver knowledge and skills concerning diversification and development of products for the mini-plant in Pemalang. Training consists of pre-activities, delivery of innovative content, development of various by-products, and evaluation. The innovative topic includes handling and potential use as instant food, snacks, seasoning, nova ingredients, and other non-food products. Diversification includes the innovation of traditional community-based products (tempe rajungan (teraja) and abon vegetable rajungan anaraja), innovation of regionally processed products ("cactus crab" similar to the typical snack of Pemalang "ogel ogel"), instant and seasoning as well (soup cream, <em>petis</em>, and souce). The response rate/change in knowledge and skill attitudes is classified as very high, ranging from 70% to 100%. The post-activity evaluation after three months, a processors and marketers group (<em>Poklasar</em>) of various processed products named "Gira Sari," with the primary production of snacks for souvenirs. Local extension workers accompany the Gira Sari Group in the activity. Challenges such as non-standard utensils, raw materials, packaging, lack of business strategy knowledge, and financial analysis require immediate solutions.</p> Wini Trilaksani, Bambang Bambang, Wahyu Ramadhan, Joko Santoso, Zacky Ariviaie Santosa Copyright (c) 2024 Bambang Riyanto Bambang Riyanto Mon, 25 Mar 2024 11:51:12 +0700 Optimalisasi Penataan Lumbung Mataraman dalam Mendukung Kawasan Wisata Edukasi Terpadu Padukuhan Ngalian, Desa Widodomartani <p>Lumbung Mataraman is a program initiated by the Provincial Government of Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta to fulfill the community's food needs through home gardens. This program is also directed to become an alternative tourist destination with local potential. Lumbung Mataraman is managed by Women Farmers Group (Kelompok Wanita Tani or KWT) Mekar and as part of Empon-empon Village. Location of the activities takes place in Ngalian, Widodomartani Village, D.I. Yogyakarta. The arrangement of Lumbung Mataram aims to arrange the layout of the land according to its function and enhance its appearance. The output is Lumbung Mataram KWT Mekar site plan. The site plan creation process follows landscape design procedures involving site inventory or collecting existing data; analysis of site potential and problems; synthesis or problem-solving; and the development of design concepts and design. The rearrangement of Lumbung Mataraman remains the same as its existing function but focuses on maximizing the utilization of existing potential and adding aesthetic value. The results of this activity are to optimize the function of Lumbung Mataram as a provider of food needs and to support the integrated educational tourism area.</p> Yudhistira Saraswati, Rian Adetiya Pratiwi Copyright (c) 2024 Yudhistira Saraswati Mon, 25 Mar 2024 11:53:15 +0700 Rehabilitasi Mangrove untuk Mendukung Perikanan Berkelanjutan dan Mitigasi Iklim di Desa Labuhan Kuris Kabupaten Sumbawa <p>The mangrove ecosystems in Labuhan Kuris Village, Lape Subdistrict, Sumbawa Regency are degraded. The area of mangrove ecosystems is categorized as good; it has decreased, potentially impacting the decline in fisheries' productivity, global warming, and other effects. This community service activity aims to rehabilitate mangroves through education and mangrove planting. The stages of this activity include an initial survey of community knowledge (pre-test) regarding mangroves, education and discussion sessions (talk shows), mangrove planting, and monitoring and evaluation. Meanwhile, the target audience for this activity is adult community members. Interviews using questionnaires were conducted to assess the community's initial understanding of mangroves. An educational session on the roles of mangroves was conducted by providing materials and distributing stickers about the roles of mangroves, and sessions. An evaluation of understanding levels was performed through post-tests, while monitoring and evaluation were conducted using direct observation methods in the field. Post-test results showed that 88% of the target audience understand the function of mangroves, 96% stated that mangroves ' role is to protect fish and crabs, while only 60% answered that mangroves have roles in climate mitigation. The number of participants in the educational session was 50 people. The mangrove species planted was Rhizophora sp. On this occasion, 1000 mangrove seedlings were planted, and the number of community members involved in mangrove planting was 220. Monitoring and evaluation results indicated that some plants were damaged due to trampling by livestock. Thus, mitigation was done by fencing around the planting area. Overall, the community actively participated from the beginning to the end of the activities. This condition indicates that the community is highly concerned about mangrove management. However, community participation in mangrove management should be improved.</p> Supriandi Supriandi, Neri Kautsari, Akbar Sapilin, Rahmawati Rahmawati, Ilham Syahputra, Agum Rhismanda, Tezar Rafandi, Teguh Dwi Dharmawan Copyright (c) 2024 Neri Kautsari Mon, 25 Mar 2024 11:54:37 +0700 Solusi Recycle Sampah Organik dan Anorganik bagi Keluarga di Perumahan Taman Dramaga Permai 2 Bogor <p>Households are one of the contributors to organic and inorganic waste. Generally, the family needs to manage waste independently. The concept of waste recycling can be applied at the household level. The aim of waste management in the Dosen Mengabdi Reguler 2022 was to provide alternative solutions for processing organic and inorganic waste in the household based on the recycling concept. The activities were carried out from July‒November 2022 in one of the villages around the IPB campus locations, namely the Taman Darmaga Permai 2, Cihideung Ilir, Ciampea, Bogor. The core activities consist of discussions and demonstrations about compost, coenzymes, re-growing vegetable plants, and the culture of mung bean sprouts from Vima 1 and Vimil 1 varieties. About 42.9% of the 14 participants sorted household waste, and 28.6% managed waste. Compost from organic waste was harvested within one month after the process, while coenzymes were harvested after three months. Ecoenzymes were attractive to all participants as a solution for processing waste. About 50% of participants favor growing vegetables and 21.4% re-grow vegetable waste. Katuk and Welsh onion plants have 100% growth and 90% survival rates. All participants had never sprouted mung bean seeds. The sprouts can be harvested 1 to 3 days after sowing as needed. The Vima 1 mung bean variety has a sweet sprout taste and produces 657.9 g of sprouts from 100 g of seeds, while the Vimil 1 taste is slightly astringent with a lower sprout production of 543.8 g.</p> Siti Marwiyah, Undang Undang Copyright (c) 2024 Siti Marwiyah Mon, 25 Mar 2024 11:55:28 +0700 Pelatihan Teknologi Sterilisasi dalam Kemasan Plastik Tahan Panas untuk Memperpanjang Umur Simpan Sate Ayam Khas Ponorogo <p>Chicken satay is one of the signature dishes from Ponorogo Regency, often used as souvenirs by travelers. However, its short shelf life has limited the marketing and distribution area of the product. The activity aimed to train small enterprise partners in Ponorogo Regency to preserve their chicken satay using a simple commercial sterilization method and to measure the thermal process adequacy. The thermal process adequacy measurement was carried out at the SEAFAST Center, while the training was conducted in person at the partner's locations in Ponorogo. A questionnaire was distributed during the training to assess the participant's understanding of preserving food products using the thermal process. The sterilization process was performed by heating chicken satay in a pressure cooker for 1 hour (calculated since the maximum pressure cooker's temperature was reached), resulting in F0 values ranging from 4.2 to 5.2 minutes. The training was delivered by providing theoretical and practical experience. Data from questionnaires showed that the training improved the participants' understanding, with the average score per participant increased from 6.13 to 10.92 (32% increase).</p> Tjahja Muhandri, Ninuk Purnaningsih , Harum Fadhilatunnur, Subarna Subarna Copyright (c) 2024 Harum Fadhilatunnur Mon, 25 Mar 2024 11:56:31 +0700