JURNAL EKONOMI DAN KEBIJAKAN PEMBANGUNAN 2023-12-29T13:54:29+07:00 Dr. Tony Irawan, S.E, M.App.Ec Open Journal Systems <p style="text-align: justify;">Jurnal Ekonomi dan Kebijakan Pembangunan (JEKP) is a journal that contains articles that include research results, policy analysis, and opinions related to the currently developing economy both nationally and internationally. JEKP is issued twice every year, namely the period of July and December. Jurnal Ekonomi dan Kebijakan Pembangunan (JEKP) focuses on broad economic topics, which include regional and political economics, industrial economics, agricultural economics, development economics, employment economics, international trade, as well as monetary and banking economics. The articles published in this journal are of high quality and elaborate on the development of economic modeling, and economic policy analysis. JEKP is published by the Department of Economics of the Bogor Agricultural University (FEM IPB) in<strong> collaboration with <span class="selectable-text copyable-text">PERHEPI - Perhimpunan Ekonomi Pertanian Indonesia. </span></strong></p> <p style="text-align: justify;"><span class="selectable-text copyable-text">JEKP has been <a href=""><strong>Accredited&nbsp;</strong><strong>SINTA Rank 3</strong></a> by Directorate General of Research and Development Strengthening, Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education of the Republic of Indonesia (Kemenristekdikti RI) which is valid for 5 (five) years since enacted on March 2023.</span></p> <p>ISSN p : <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">1979-5149</a>; e :&nbsp; <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">2686-2514</a></p> Strategy to Increase Property Tax Revenue in West Bangka Regency 2023-12-29T13:54:29+07:00 Reisty Amelia Dedi Budiman Hakim Feryanto <p><em>The implementation of regional autonomy aims to realize regional independence. A region must have </em><em>regional financial capacity to create regional independence, which can be seen from the high regional </em><em>original income (PAD). Efforts to realize regional independence through increasing PAD are carried out </em><em>by exploring PAD sources, one of which is by exploring potential sources of regional taxes, namely </em><em>property tax in rural and urban areas (PBB-P2). PBB-P2 is a tax whose revenue increases every year as </em><em>a result of the development of a region. the purpose of this study is to identify the potential for PBB-P2 </em><em>acceptance and recommend strategies to increase PBB-P2 revenue. The analytical method used is PBBP2 acceptance analysis and multi-criteria policy (MULTIPOL). The results of the study show that </em><em>estimated potential income that must be maximized is IDR 8.03 billion. Alternative strategies to increase </em><em>PBB-P2 revenue in West Bangka Regency are through data updating policies, developing human </em><em>resources, using technology, increasing the understanding and knowledge of taxpayers, and increasing </em><em>supervision</em></p> 2023-11-16T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Jurnal Ekonomi dan Kebijakan Pembangunan Analysis of the Effect of Global Uncertainty and Financial Development on Foreign Direct Investment in Indonesia 2023-12-29T13:51:02+07:00 Fuzi Noviyanti Iman Sugema Tony Irawan <p><em>The world is currently facing</em><em> unprecedented</em><em> uncertainty in social, political, and economic aspects, which continuously evolve every year</em> <em>owing to extraordinary events that impact countries worldwide. In contrast, The growth strategy of a country </em><em>organizes</em><em> must include </em><em>F</em><em>oreign </em><em>D</em><em>irect </em><em>I</em><em>nvestment (FDI), especially in Indonesia. The fluctuation in foreign investment in Indonesia indicates that foreign investors also consider growing global uncertainty alongside the development of Indonesia’s financial sector. This study examines the relationship between</em> <em>global uncertainty</em> <em>and financial</em><em> development on FDI in Indonesia from 1997 to 2020 using the Autoregressive Distributed Lag (ARDL) method. The results indicate that global uncertainty significantly negatively impacts Indonesia’s</em> <em>FDI in the short and long terms. However, global economic policy uncertainty positively influences Indonesia’s FDI in the long term. This indicates that Indonesia has become an attractive alternative for foreign investors during global economic policy uncertainty. Regarding financial development, the amount of credit provided by the domestic banking sector to the private sector in Indonesia positively influences Indonesia’s FDI in both the short and long terms. This demonstrates that Indonesia’s financial condition and infrastructure can determine foreign investors’ decisions to invest in Indonesia</em><em>.</em></p> 2023-11-16T11:24:08+07:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Jurnal Ekonomi dan Kebijakan Pembangunan Impact of Information and Communication Technology on Economic Growth in Western and Eastern Region of Indonesia 2023-12-29T13:50:39+07:00 Bangsawan Nunung Nuryartono Syamsul Hidayat Pasaribu <p><em>The three main components of economic growth are capital accumulation, population growth, and technological progress. One form of technology that is experiencing rapid development at the global and national levels is information and communication technology (ICT). ICT plays an important role in supporting the activities of actors in increasing output in the form of goods and services. This research aims to analyze the impact of ICT on economic growth in the western region of Indonesia (KBI) and the eastern region of Indonesia (KTI) using descriptive analysis and the Generalized Method of Moment (GMM) model during the 2016-2020 period. The research results show that the ICT variables for landline telephones, cellular telephones and government ICT spending have a significant effect in driving economic growth in the eastern region, while for the western region the ICT variables do not have a significant influence on economic growth. The western region has not been able to make maximum use of the implementation of cellular telephone technology or ICT spending in improving the economy. To obtain the benefits of ICT as an economic driver in each region, the role of policy makers is needed in encouraging ICT adoption in the productive sector and providing access and technological infrastructure that can reach all regions and all levels of society.</em></p> 2023-11-16T11:40:36+07:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Jurnal Ekonomi dan Kebijakan Pembangunan MSMEs Distribution Pattern Tourism Village in Increasing MSMEs Income in Biduk Biduk District, Berau Regency 2023-12-29T13:50:16+07:00 Wurdaningsih Bambang Juanda Hermanto Siregar Ichsan <p><em>Understanding Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMs) clustering is important in developing regional policies, business locations and economic growth in a region. This study analyzes MSMEs distribution pattern in tourist villages in increasing their income in Biduk Biduk District, Berau Regency. Data were collected through a survey of 98 MSMEs and analyzed using nearest neighbor analysis, and location theories. The results show that the MSME distribution pattern forms a clustering pattern based on z-score and the nearest neighbor ratio (NNR) value. The lowest NNR was 0,567589 in Teluk Sumbang Village, the highest was in Giring Giring Village with an NNR of 0,776032, and the average the closest distance between MSMEs was 2 meters. The clustering pattern of MSMEs is related to proximity to village tourism objects, residential areas, main roads, school facilities, hotel and homestay.. The MSMEs income varies with total income and the highest average income of MSMEs is in Biduk Biduk Village. However, studies related to the distribution pattern of MSMEs in tourism villages are still limited. This research is useful as a reference for researchers, policy makers and business practitioners in developing MSMEs, especially in rural Berau Regency and the region beyond</em>.</p> 2023-11-16T11:52:04+07:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Jurnal Ekonomi dan Kebijakan Pembangunan Analysis of Banking Credit Response to Quantitative Easing Policy during the Covid-19 Pandemic in Indonesia 2023-12-29T13:49:53+07:00 Reza Jamilah Fikri Iman Sugema Syamsul Hidayat Pasaribu <p><em>The purpose of this study is to identify the response of banking credit/financing and to analyze which bank </em><br><em>characteristic variables have caused and had the potential to differentiate in banking credit/financing </em><br><em>responses after the implementation of the quantitative easing policy during the Covid-19 pandemi in </em><br><em>Indonesia. This study uses the Klaassen Typology, Discriminant Analysis, and Multinomial Logistics </em><br><em>methods. With quantitative data from 30 banks included in books 2 and 3, the results show that In quantitative easing 1, there are 15 banks respectively that have positive credit/financing growth, while in quantitative easing 2 there are 14 banks that have positive credit/financing growth and 16 banks with stagnant or negative credit/financing growth with variable that can distinguishes the bank's credit response is deposit growth. The study also concluded that with the Multinomial Logistic method show that a significant positive variable in all quadrants is the security asset to total assets ratio.</em></p> 2023-11-27T08:33:50+07:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Jurnal Ekonomi dan Kebijakan Pembangunan